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 ************     Orkana Conflict für Quest 2    *************

         Bei fragen und Anregungen jederzeit , kommt gerne in den Discord oder ne email . ademkaya2008@yahoo.de



27.05 Orkana God in progress

for Oculus Rift S/Rift später SteamVr(Index,HTC,WMR)

kürzliche Verbesserungen(recent improvements)

aktuelles Gameplay von TupacVR


Update : Mai 2020


Die letzten Monate wurde die Gesamte Engine optimiert um auf 90FPS für VR zu kommen.

Es wurden alle Gebäude neu modelliert und Ttexturiert und optimiert .

Sound und Musik hinzugefügt mit dynamsicher Anpassung an das Kampfverhalten.

Die Einheiten wurden adaptiv , passen sich an .

Qualitätsstufen low,middle high wurden hinzugefügt.

Modell optimiert die zuviel Polygone hatten.

Der Spieler wird nun angreifbar, benötigt für zukünftiges mitkämpfen.

Geschütztürme entwickelt .

Eine Kanone ist in Entwicklung die der Spieler bedienen kann.

Ein Inventar hinzugefügt mit Sicherungen , Bomben , etc..

Der Feind bekommt später eine eigene Basis mit Haus, Kaserne und Waffenfabrik und Geschütztürme

Weitere Einheiten und Sondereinheiten sind geplant.

Mehr Fahrzeuge , Bombenwagen, Minenfelder, Spieler Action.

Aktuelles Beta Video des Strategie Teils Level 1-3  auf Youtube von dem geschätzen Kanal  von TUPACVR

Später muss noch der First Person Teil ergänzt werden.







In the last few months, the entire engine has been optimized to get 90FPS for VR.
All buildings were remodelled and textured and optimized.
Sound and music added with dynamic adaptation to combat behavior.
The units have been adaptive behaviour to the player behaviour.
Optimized the modells that had too many polygons.
The player is now vulnerable, necesarry to fight with the units Player vs Enemy.

Quaity options low,middle high has been added.
Turrets developed.
A cannon is under development that the player can use.
An inventory added with fuses, bombs, etc.

More Special units are planned.

more vehicles, bombwaggon,minesfields,more player action.
Current Beta Version with 80% strategy part level 1-3  video on Youtube from the good channel of TUPACVR

 Later the First Person Part will be added





last year 01-12 2019

My New GAME , Orkana Conflict is a Strategy Game like Command and Conquer. But in VR

It's a bit limited by the high demands of VR, but I hope I can still get it entertaining. 
You can build a base, units, tanks, defense towers , special units and fight agains agressive
enemy on the planet orkana.

Since I work alone and the scope is considerable there will be 3 parts from ORKANA CONFLICT.
If part 1 is well received and sold I will create parts 2 and 3.

Part 1 will focus on a player against PC mode and a mission part with 6 MISSIONS.

The mission part takes a lot of time. Here are some pictures.

I've been working on the game since early 2019
Much of the time was sacrificed for VR control and performance.
You can hardly create a few new models in the game and the graphics resources of the VR system
are overloaded. Very often you have to optimize hours to make a tank look good somehow and
not to waste too much resources. In addition, moddeling, level design and
game mechanics also cost a lot of time. In the first tests I had 60 or more units that I could command, but for performance reasons
I have to limit that. So there won't be as many units as with Command and Conquer.
But I think 30-40 units for the player should be possible with an NVIDIA 2080 GTX. Consider that up to 3 enemies also have 30-40 units. If it weren't VR or you were using ugly graphics, a lot of units would be possible.
Updates are coming.

Second Game   COMPLEX

This is my second finished game  " COMPLEX " a VR Puzzle Game with Oculus TOUCH




- First Levels 8 Levels  are easy , but there you have to use your Touch controllers very very ! precise,

then at Level 8-30  the Levesl will become more and more bigger and more to think how and use logic.


GAME Description:


- A puzzle game for Oculus Rift and playable only with Oculus Touch Controllers.

- 30 level to think , solve and combine thinks to solve the level.

-You need skill, remembrance, logic, combination, sometimes speed, sometimes assessment reproducing

- 30 Levels for you brain and your skill

- Musik by A.K(me) and www.bensound.com

- Sound FruityLoops ,CCO Sound Effect from online ressources

- about 0,8 - 1 Gb Hard Disk Space

- playtime 2h-3h;  for very (very) fast player about 1,5 hours

- created with Unity 5 , Cinema 4d, Audiacity ,Fruity Loops , PLAYMAKER (thanks for this Asset) ,


-If you wish COMPLEX 2  please leave comment on Youtube, or email ademkaya2008@yahoo.de

Perhaps its possible via Kickstarter or Patreon if there is enough interest


Youtube Reviews:




LetsPlay and Level Overview



Buy FullGame here :






Thanks !!!







Thank you please leave comment on youtube





Level Review from Gamer Lady Nici

Level Review from gamer Tupacvr

Her are some of my Songs made with Fruity Loops and Keyboard.


Song are made with Fruity Loops , a Midi Keyboard ,different VST Instruments e.g Orchestra Gold , Solo Violin , pictures are CC0 from Pixabay, Thanks for watching

and more at youtube....

My first project for VR Oculus Rift cv1

Hello welcome to my project Site, here i show my projects which i do in privat at my free time.

I work at the moment with Cinema4D for modelling, Unity3d for GameEngine,Paint,Audiacity,FruityLoops for Sound with Midi keyboard and a few other programs.


First Games  TINYPARK VR

This is my first project for the Oculus Rift cv1, since i started to learn Unity3D for about 6 months


Its a smal park ride simulation sort of game.

Video of Gameplay :



 You can buy the Game at:


Thank you










Another Project RW - TYPE   (RobotWars)

This is my second project i working at the moment at ROBOT WARS  a Action,Puzzle Game for Oculus Rift cv1 and PC Normal Mode.

i planned to develop 12 Levels and at them moment i am at Level 2-.


Videos / Musik

